Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Will It Or Won't It

In our heads, we have this big trip planned to some degree. We have a general idea of where we want to go, how long we can afford to take and who we want to visit. We have a list of possible places to stay and have figured out ways to make this trip cost less.

And yet, with a month or so to go until we supposedly leave - we have no idea if we'll be going or not.

It isn't that we don't want to go, we do. I've already started writing the first chapter of the book and we know it will be a great adventure. And yet fear is holding me, us, back. Fear that those weeks away will stall our job searching too much, that we'll get back and have lost out on opportunities or that we'll have trouble getting back into the swing of things. Not that we won't still be looking as we have our journey. There will be a computer and I'm sure a bit of job as well as soul searching along the way. I also want to approach stores about carrying my products, which is sort of job searching in a way.

But the fear is still there, no matter how many thoughts I have about the positiveness of a trip like this. Because of this I have a feeling I won't decide until a day or two before we leave (if we do). I'm okay with this.

Have you ever had a trip that you felt with every molecule you should take but weren't sure if you would?

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