Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Niagara Trip Part 3: Waterfall Adventures

Day two of our Niagara trip was filled with adventures surrounding the Falls themselves. First we checked out of the Best Western and drove the car down closer to the falls. We couldn't check into the new hotel yet, so we parked the car at the Casino next door and headed down to the Maid of the Mist boat dock.

 For the uninitiated, Maid of the Mist is a boat ride that I am pretty sure is one of the oldest running Niagara attractions - they started in 1846! Blue ponchos are handed out and the boat goes as close to the falls as possible for an incredible adventure. We didn't get as wet as we thought we would, but photos were interesting to take with the mist constantly dotting camera lenses with water nonetheless. If you are going to do just one thing at Niagara, this would be the thing to do.

Being that close to the falls, with the roar of the water and the mist rising up around you is such an amazing experience. It made me feel small and awe filled at Mother Nature.

Next we went on a Journey Behind the Falls, which is a series of tunnels that go behind the falls. You are able to look directly at the water rushing down from behind, which is a really nifty experience. The tunnels/portals are just plain cool and very old fashioned, it's almost scary to think that you are 150 feet down. And seeing the falls from behind them is an experience. The first tunnel is the best, in my opinion, the others are slightly anti-climactic because you can't see much and the effect is sort of ruined. The first one you are kind of next to the falls so you can see it from in front and behind - which is awesome.

After some more wandering and I believe some lunch, we checked into our hotel - The Oaks Overlooking the Falls, where we were slightly disappointed to be on the 4th floor. The view of the falls was okay, but slightly blocked by trees and a little bit distracted from by a parking lot. We tried to get up higher, but there were no rooms so we had to be content going to the 14th floor observatory for a better view.

I honestly can't remember much else from the second day. I know we wandered about the Casino a bit (and please note the awesomely steampunk-like fountain we saw) and tried to find a tourist channel on the tv for a little while, but other than that I think we mostly crashed at night. We were tired from a lot of walking, and therefore very exhausted. That night we might have eaten at The Famous, which was an awesome diner in the casino. It had a very 1930's feel about it, which I LOVED and also the most delicious chocolate chip muffin in existance. It had a slight citrus, orange taste to it and mmmm oh so good. I wanted to eat there again, but it was never where we were when we were hungry.

I had planned on showing you video that I took with my Nikon P4, however Windows Movie Maker won't import that type of video and I'm not sure what to do. So, unfortunately, no video today. Hopefully I'll figure it out for next time. Stay tuned for day 3, which I promise will arrive sooner than day 2 did. I've been a little busy over at FallenPeach lately :)

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